Saturday, October 27, 2012

Midterms are done, Time to get back to work

Ahhhhhhh, almost done with midterms, one more to go next week.

So today I finished up the code finally. Added in the Arduino communication stuff and now we're almost ready to go! Going to a small prototype later to test it out with the servos and see if we can get this show on the road!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Long time no see :P

Sooooo, been playing around with Coding4Fun's KinectSDKQuickstarts, particularly the Skeletal Tracker in C#. I have set up a basic grid to to use for reference when controlling the stacking bot. Doing the creation of the window in the C# program because the VB program is yielding an invalid mark up error when I try to edit the MainWindow.xaml. Whatever, still making progress!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cardboard prototyping; because metal and wood are too mainstream

Cardboard (Yes, cardboard) prototype of our robot. Built so we can get an idea of how to write the code that will drive the robot. So far so good!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

TIme to rewrite the old VB

Ugh, updated to the latest Kinect SDK. No i have to rewrite most of the original Visual Basic code as all the references I've used have changed. This is going to be fun.